Thursday, May 13, 2010

Read Samples from "Get Out, Explore, Have Fun!"

Curious what's inside Get Out, Explore, Have Fun?  I'm pleased to say that I've placed samples from the book on my website.  But if you want a taste right now, here's just one of the three excerpts I've posted:

Exploring Your Options (Yes, you have options!)
Today, the YMCA, Boy and Girl Scouts, museums, and an incredible range of community and private programs are very aware of the huge rise in kids with “special needs.” Fewer and fewer program directors are likely to say “We can’t help you” when you mention a developmental delay or even an autism diagnosis. And more community groups than you’d expect have actually gone out of their way to learn about and provide supports for kids with autism, ADHD, and similar developmental differences.

The problem is that too few parents, teachers, therapists, and support groups are aware of how things have changed—not only for our kids with special needs but for families overall. There’s much more openness to special needs families, if for no other reason than the fact that we now make up some 15 percent of the family market overall.

And it’s also much more acceptable than ever before for parents to take an active role in their child’s informal learning experiences. Parents hang out and take part in arts programs; they attend every athletic practice; they camp out along with their young Boy and Girl Scouts; they attend every meeting of YMCA Adventure Guides. As the parent of a child on the autism spectrum, who needs you by his side, you’re not as unusual as you may feel.

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